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Becky Barabich
CEO & Founder | Training Lead
+44 7718906836
Training Location:
Surrey Holisitc, Godalming
Becky's Story
"My passion is sound, my mission is to serve and my purpose is to share my learning.
My name is Becky and I live with my family in Godalming, Surrey.
I qualified as a Sound Healing Instructor, after a series of fortunate events…
I used to work in PR and events for a large corporate firm. I had been in sales and marketing for 20 years. I enjoyed my career, but I became increasingly disillusioned with the politics. And I was burnt-out from all the pressure.
Besides, something else was calling me!
I'd been seeing herons everywhere. Curious about what it meant, I looked into the symbolism and knew - herons are independent creatures. It was time to follow a different path. It was time to set up on my own.
Serendipity was at play. I arrived at an evening sound meditation and the instructor turned to me and asked 'are you a healer?'. I was shocked! I had just had a coaching session where the words 'I am being called to heal' had popped out, seemingly from nowhere.
She was running a Sound Healing Practitioner course, starting in a couple of weeks. I immediately knew it was for me. I picked an oracle card, it said, ‘take a leap’, so I did just that, and I haven't looked back.
Later that year I left the London office with a skip and a jump. Everything was coming together perfectly. I was on my next stage of awakening!
I have always loved sound. As a child I lived opposite a church, and I found the the bells mesmerising. Bands like The Beatles and The Stone Roses have been a soundtrack to my life, plus I have a deep appreciation of electronic music. Nowadays, I like to combine music with the bowls in my sound meditations... it brings me so much joy.
Looking back, my first sound bath was a revelation. I felt as if I had come home. Training as a Sound Healing Practitioner was the best decision I ever made.
And now, here I am running Heron Moon as a coach & healer and as founder of Sound Healing School UK. Every soul-led decision I have made has led me to this be here now - and I LOVE IT!
As Rumi said, “Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.”
If you feel that strange pull, I urge you to take a leap too. It may not be easy to follow your truth, but the joy and satisfaction of doing so will make the effort so worth it."
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